aging, unresponsive and "sclerotic" electricity grid is stunting the growth of
renewable energy in the U.K., says the Solar Trade Association
(STA), which has called on the new
Conservative government to upgrade the
country’s power infrastructure to make it more accommodating of clean energy
many sections of the grid already off-limits to new connections, and further
shutdowns of additional capacity planned, the STA has urged the Conservatives to
spend money on essential upgrades to the grid that are necessary to ensure the
U.K. can meet its 2020 renewable energy goals.
STA has identified 14 private sector distribution network operators (DNOs) that
carry power from the grid to domestic and commercial customers as being unable
to handle new large renewable energy projects.
DNO – Western Power Distribution (which covers Wales, the southwest of England
and the Midlands) – has put a six-year hold on new large clean energy
integration in the counties of Somerset, Dorset, Cornwall and Devon, which are
some of the sunniest parts of the British Isles. And according to a map from the
DNO for the east and southeast of England – UK Power Networks – many areas of
these regions barely have any renewable energy capacity.
grid is now sclerotic in places and there are even modest solar roofs that cannot get
grid connections," said STA head of external affairs Leonie Greene. "We are
trying to get the DNOs to operate on a more active business model but the amount
of solar that is projected for 2023 is less than we have today."
STA warns that the antiquated grid is dotted with information black spots,
making it nearly impossible for trade bodies such as itself to assess how much
actual capacity remains and how much is required to meet 2020 targets. The U.K.
has pledged to produce 15% of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2020,
and iscurrently around halfway there based on recent projections.
to be able to reach the 2020 target, the amount of power produced by renewable
sources needs to more than double on current levels in just five years. “The new
secretary of state has no time to waste to get the grid on track if we want a
low-carbon electricity system,” added Greene.
connection charges
The Guardian newspaper reports that solar energy company Sun4net has found that connection charges with some DNOs are prohibitively expensive for any business that wants to produce its own energy. Company director Ashley Seager revealed that just two out of 75 projects overseen by the company had proven feasible in recent months.
The Guardian newspaper reports that solar energy company Sun4net has found that connection charges with some DNOs are prohibitively expensive for any business that wants to produce its own energy. Company director Ashley Seager revealed that just two out of 75 projects overseen by the company had proven feasible in recent months.
about 80% of those projects we looked at, grid connection was too expensive to
make them viable," said Seager.
to DNO Western Power Distribution, connection charges are agreed upon nationally
with the electricity regulator Ofgem, and network upgrades can only go ahead
once upfront payment for new connections was received.
require the connecting party to pay for the assets installed to directly connect
them, and to contribute towards the cost of network reinforcement," said a
Western Power Distribution spokesperson. "While there are circumstances where
Western Power Distribution can reinforce the network ahead of need, these
require demonstration to Ofgem that the benefits outweigh the costs to the wider
network user."
revealed that connections to the U.K. grid had grown by 40% in the past 12
months, with a large increase in small-scale generation. "In some areas this has
put pressure on network capacity. This is why we have allowed major increases in
investment and encouraged network companies to take creative approaches to
connective generators without costly network upgrades," said Ofgem.
power body added that it is consulting on whether further strategic investment
is required in order to help power generators connect to the grid, and will be
reviewing what is causing network constraints "more generally" in the near
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