
Australia: Module dumping causes negligible injury

Australia: Module dumping causes negligible injury

Findings of solar module dumping practices by some Chinese producers have lead to duties or trade barriers having being put in place in the EU and U.S. Inquiries into dumping in Australia has lead to the finding that dumping has taken place, however no action will be taken.
The Australian Anti-Dumping Commission delivered its finding today. It notes that there is only one module manufacturer currently operating in Australia and that as it supplies AC modules at a high price point, it was not adversely affected by the dumping. It also noted dumping margins ranged from 2.1% to 8.7%, warranting no countervailing measures.
The Commission found that Wuxi Suntech had the largest dumping margin with 8.7%, followed by Trina Solar (4%), Residual Exporters (3.9%), ET Solar (3%) and Renesola (2.1%). Module exports for China were investigated for the period July 2012 through 31 December 2013.
Australia’s only module manufacturer is Tindo Solar, which operates a 60 MW facility in South Australia.
The Commission finds state that while there was evidence of module dumping in the assessed period, “the injury, to the Australian industry or the hindrance, to the Australian industry’s established, caused by PV modules or panels exported to Australia at dumped prices is negligible.”
The factors the Commission took in deciding not to impose countervailing measures were that the size of the dumping margins were not sufficient, that Tindo’s AC product represents “a premium model and priced significantly higher than the imported direct current PV modules,” and that there were not major changes in Australian PV module market during the period.
“The Commission found that injury or hindrance to the establishment of an Australian industry caused by dumped exports is negligible; therefore the Commission has not calculated a non-injurious price…”
The Australian Solar Council (ASC) has welcomed the move, saying that it is “a win for common sense.”
“The Australian Solar Council welcomes this outcome,” said ASC CEO John Grimes. “It is a win for Australian solar PV consumers.”

