
US anti-subsidy decision on China extended to June 2

US anti-subsidy decision on China extended to June 2 
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOE) has postponed a preliminary anti-subsidy ruling on the import of cells and modules from China, citing the complexity of the issues as the reason for the delayed decision.
The initial anti-subsidy decision date was set for March 28, but the DOC will now make a preliminary ruling on June 2, announcing the result the following day.
The countervailing duty (CVD) investigation has focused on China-made crystalline silicon solar PV cells and modules, initiated at the end of 2013 by SolarWorld Industries Americas.
A preliminary investigation by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in February found evidence that solar equipment originating from China was incorporating cells made in third-party countries – chiefly Taiwan – in an effort to avoid paying subsidy duties.
A joint anti-dumping investigation was also launched by the ITC, with the DOC stating that a preliminary decision on that case – scheduled for June 12 – could also be postponed to a later date.
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