
U.S.A. Become Strong Solar Installation Market

U.S.A. Become Strong Solar Installation Market

The Solar PV installation in the U.S.A. reach high record about 1.4 GW 2013, and the total solar installation reach about 4.2 GW in 2013, grow 15% compare with 2012,make it the important PV market in the world.

Large scale PVprojects still dominated the U.S. solar installation, which account for about 80% of solar installation capacity. The large scale ground –mounted PV systems reached 3 GW in last year.
Large roof top installation exceeded 500MW, the small scale solar installations account for 700MW with increase of 10% compared to 2012.

California still leading the solar installation in 2013, but North Carolina became second solar market last year. The top ten U.S. solar states in 2013 as below:

1, California;     2, North Carolina;      3, Arizona;     4, New Jersey;     5, Texas
7, Massachusetts;    8, Hawaii;    9, New Mexico;     10New York

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Article from: http://www.landpowersolar.com

